Sunday, January 5, 2014

I got an exciting email this week!!!!

For the second time at my school, several young woman took part in a seriously cool math contest called the Ulpaniada run by Jerusalem College.  I held round one a few weeks ago and was eagerly waiting to hear if any of my students made it into the second round.  Unfortunately, Jerusalem was literally shut down by an surprising foot of snow. No electricity, computers, etc. the whole nine yards.  I finally heard back from them this Saturday night.  Below is the amazing news they shared.......

 Dear Mrs.Bernath,
At the end of the first round of the International Math Competition , Ulpaniada 5774, we want to thank you for your amazing participation. In the first round of the competition, about 140 educational institutions participated from Israel and abroad. Thousands of students rose to the challenge and competed, among them students from your school.
The following list of students from the Frisch School succeeded in Round One:
(four of my female students names were listed!!!!!!  FOUR!!!!!) 

The criteria for succeeding in Round One was as follows:
1. Students in Seventh-Eighth grades who answered 8 questions correctly.
2 . Students in Ninth – Tenth grades who answered 9 questions correctly.
3 . Students in Eleventh- Twelfth grades who answered 10 questions correctly. 

The second round of the Ulpaniada will take place Iy"h on Wednesday, January 22, 2014  (21st of Shvat). We will update you shortly with the preparation details for the second round.
Thank you for your cooperation. For any further questions, feel free to email us.
The Ulpaniada Staff
Lieba Brezak and Ruti Schleider
Overseas Coordinators – Michlalah College Jerusalem

I will have to make an alternate round two date since my school will be closed for Winter break on the 22nd but the organizers are generally accommodating.

  Revisit my blog at the beginning of February to find out if any of the girls makes it to the third round.  

Oh did I mention it is held in Jerusalem..........